


Race: Elyos

   Class: Gladiator

I : The Way of the Warrior ...

  While in Eltnen, in the region of Agairon village, Crom was jumped by an Asmodian. The Asmodian defeated Crom,
leaving him face down in the dirt. Crom recovered and made his way back to the Legion hall and started to pack. Crom's
twin brother Kav who bunked in the barracks with him asked: What are you doing, your not leaving the legion are you?
At this time more of the legion poured into the room and Crom turned around with backpack in hand.
' not leaving the Wind Swords, but I am leaving ,' said Crom
'Crom we all get beaten in battle from time to time, it happens,' said Kav
'Yes to some more than others... Looks like someone's armor is a little to tight, you need to loosen up Crom,' yelled Ragin
Vak turned around and glared at Ragin...
'Ok...Ok...what do you say Crom, you and I head up to the Coliseum in Sanctum and get in a little practice,' said Ragin
'Thanks Ragin but I've trained with the best around here, and apparently it's enough,' said Crom
'Sorry we are not good enough for you Crom, but we do our best,' said Ghostrider
'It's not that at all Ghost...I just seek to improve my skill in combat...thats all,' said Crom
'If not here within the Wind Swords where do plan to go... and get this training?,' said Vak
'Am not sure exactly,' said Crom
'This sounds like a plan,' said Zorander  (as he sat down)
'Exactly where am not sure or even where to begin, but legend has it that such a teacher is out there,' said Crom
'Sounds Great when do we go?,' said Kav
'I go alone, sorry Kav,' said Crom
With that Crom walked out the door with backpack and gear.
'You know that little guy takes himself way to seriously,' said Valen

 As Crom walked through Poeta he happened upon Daminu and ask him if he knew anyone who fit the description of the Combat
Master he sought. Daminu was slow with his answer but told Crom that Pernos may know something about the subject. Crom made
his way down to Pernos and put forth the question to him. Pernos said nothing...for a long time, but just stared at Crom. 
'To Sanctum you must go...the Lyceum is the beginning of this path.,' said Pernos
'Ah I should have guessed it was Macus the warrior trainer!,' said Crom
'Macus?!?!?! Then you would have guessed out the one in the Lyceum that clears the path for others.,' said Pernos
'What???...that's it? name...just a riddle?,' said Crom
Pernos just smiled and would say nothing more.

 Crom entered Sanctum and headed toward the Lyceum, he thought about what Pernos said to him the whole time.
 If not Macus then who...?Crom thought. Crom sat on the ground  just outside the Lyceum thinking about it "one that clears the path for others".
Elyos were coming and going with Crom setting looking at the ground. A little man with a broom stepped outside the Lyceum and went to work.
Surely this little fellow can not be the one thought Crom. Then again why not and what would it hurt if I ask him. So Crom got up and walked over
to the street sweep. 
'Hello my name is Crom Sir, can I ask you a question?,' said Crom
'Payurkus is my name as if anyone around here cared, as for questions, I have work to do. Either help or get out of the way.,' said Payurkus
Crom did not know what to think about the little guy, but there was no harm in working while he thought.
'Have another broom?,' said Crom
The little fellow handed Crom his broom, so Crom started to sweep. But Crom did not sweep long, Payurkus put his hand on the broom and
took it from Crom. Crom looked at him and Payuskus said come.
 Payurkus took Crom to his little one room place in Sanctum. The little room had some straw with a blanket on top of it in one corner,
 which was Payurkus bed.
'Please Crom set, we have things to discuss.,' said Payurkus
'So you know why am here?,' said Crom
'Yes young warrior, I do... Pernos sent word to me that you were coming.,'
said Payurkus
'So where do I find this Master Warrior?,' said Crom
'It is a long hard journey my friend and many have tried,'
said Payurkus
'They've tried and failed?,' said Crom
'They've tried and died,'
said Payurkus
'Am ready to go were I need to go,' said Crom
Payurkus told Crom of a cave in the side of a moutain over against the Fortress of Sorrow in Asmodae.
'Thanks Payurkus am on my way,' said Crom
'Am not done Crom... if you make it to the cave you will find a stone door which is locked and has no key,'
said Payurkus
Crom rolled his eyes
'Great another riddle...could you please stop it and just tell me what to do. Your going to kill me with these games,' said Crom
Payurkus said nothing in response to Crom's question... Crom just bit his lip and shook his head.
'Again, thank you
Payurkus am on my may," said Crom
As Crom was leaving and almost out the door
Payurkus said WAIT!!! Crom stopped closed his eyes and grited his teeth, he
turned around slowly opened his eyes and put a smile on his face.
'The Master will not receive you like that,'
said Payurkus
'Like what ?,' said Crom
'You MUST leave all put these on,'
said Payurkus
As Crom dressed
Payurkus took all of Crom's gear.
'So you want me to walk through Asmodae bare foot wearing only a white cloth shirt and pants?,' said Crom
'No Crom I have a red belt for you too,' said
Payurkus then tied the belt around Crom's waist.
'If am going through Asmodae wearing white clothes and a red belt won't I stand out?,' said Crom
'That is the point little warrior, you are now the prey. You will gain insight from this. We are not leaving out some weapons my
friend. Here is a sword and dagger for you.,'
said Payurkus
'They are both a little worn and dull.,' said Crom
'All the more reason to keep your wits sharp.,'
said Payurkus
Crom turn his head and rolled his eyes...and out of
Payurkus home he went.

Sanctum Crom walked toward the teleportation area and quickly became the center of attention of some children. First
they asked why he was dressed so funny and what happen to his shoes? Crom pulled over to the side of the wall and sat down.
He told them of his Quest and what had come to pass so far. While he was in the telling of the story a group of people walked by
and seeing Crom each drop a few kinah on Crom's lap.

Unless you rather walk, you know ON FOOT.


Crom Wave

(Crom enters the Warrior Cave)


(Crom against Zarthule)


Crom caught in web

(Crom caught in Xantu's web)


II : Having a bad day...

(Crom and Kav on the Stasis Table)

Crom is captured in Asmodae and placed on a crystal stasis table. This crystal table produced a field off it's
 surface that kept the young warrior unconscious.

III: The Legion Hall...


The Wind Swords had a hall that was little more than a pile of rubble, after some Asmodain fighting that took place around it.
 So the Legion would pitch tents round the spot, always with the intent of rebuilding the hall. One day a large heavy set individual
with a smaller fellow in tow walked up to the Wind Swords camped round about the hall site. The Man asked to speak to the
 legion and when the whole legion was assembled Vak stepped forward and asked what he had to say?

'Only this,' said the man. 'I will rebuild your legion hall.'
There was silence in the legion...
'The Legion hall will be much larger and stronger than it was before, it will be more of a fort than a hall!!!,' said the man.
'But...,' said Vak, knowing that the terms for the project were about to follow.
'I will need 180 days, start to finish,' said the man.
'That may be possible,' said Vak.
'It's a must!!!,' said the man.
' the price?,' said Vak.
'I was getting to that,' said the man.
There was a long pause as this Master Mason looked around...then he saw her.
'Ayne as my wife,' said the Master Mason
'IMPOSSIBLE!!!,' shouted Vak.
All of the legion was outraged by the Master Mason's price except one...the Mason went on.
'I will be wanting  Katingto and Caoticia as maid servents as well,' said the Master Mason.
'Get out before we throw you out,' said Vak.
'So your answer,' said the Master Mason.
Just as the legion started moving toward the Mason, to boot him out, a voice spoke out.
'Every idea has it's own merits, do not dimiss it out of hand.' said Crom.
The whole legion stop and turned toward Crom...and wondered what was going through that sly mind.
'We must give his plan some thought,' said Crom. 'We owe our guest that much.'
So the Mason was ask to leave and come back tomorrow...while the legion discussed the matter.
 'Do not be so hasty folks,' Crom said. 'We could turn this plan around to our own gain. Suppose...suppose we give the Mason
just 90 days to finish it starting tomorrow...'
'He could never do it in that amount of time Crom and you know it!!!,' said Valen
'Never,' echoed many in the legion.
'Exactly,' said Crom (with a smile).
'This is your plan Crom?,' said Ragin.
'Just listen,' said Crom. '
'What do we lose by suggesting  90 days,' said Crom. 'If he won't agree we lose nothing. If he does agree he is bound to
lose.' Crom smiled. 'And we will have half of our hall built free and for nothing!!!.'
Though some were a little uneasy about this Crom plan none in the legion could find fault with it, indeed a few within the legion
wish they had thought of it themselves.


III: The Replicant

Crom and Copy



Wind Sword