From the
northern part of Poeta, where I and my family are originally from, our
father decided
that the area
was to small for his growing family. What was
needed was more land for his ever growing clan,
and Eltnen the former
bread basket of Atreia seemed
the best choice. Our family
not the only one in the
area to feel the pinch of these times, 7 other
families from the area
decided it was time to look for a bigger place.
Governor of Eltnen being eager to see more settlers in the area offered
the protection of Eltnen
fortress against
any and all Asmodian intrusions. These troops
were stationed in the fortress and in some but not all the
for most of the small
settlements had nothing of value or
so it was thought. When my family (Mother, Father, 8 brothers and 3
first stepped into
Eltnen it was a great adventure for us. Some of
the wild life was unlike anything we were familiar with in
Poeta. For
one Eltnen lacked, to our
great joy, the annoying grain snufflers!!! Our work
here was hard and at first we had
little to show for it.Three years
later the little settlement in
Eltnen we called home was starting to
transform the desert around us.
Where once there was nothing but
sand and stone, there was now green
fields and trees. Zan (or
Zanty as we called him)